Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What does Politics mean to me?

When I think about politics the first thing that comes to mind is how I am not very fond of the word. In a way it makes me uncomfortable because no matter what your opinion is their is always another person out there in the world or even your own home who doesn't feel 100% the way you do . However, in a way I feel that's  good because it's a way for people to distinguish themselves in society. Politics is a hush hush subject to me I guess because I don't understand how people can be SO opinionated about the subject in a negative way. Sometimes I wonder if the government did everything they said they would if people would actually be happy or would their be another person in the world would want more from their country?  In the image above it shows two political parties butting heads. I feel this image shows what politics mean to me because no matter what political party you are on there will be one person who doesn't accept your views which causes controversy. No matter what your political stance is I think everyone just wants the same outcome to make their country a better place for them and the people around them.